Hubert von Goisern receives the Amadeus Award for Lifetime Achievement
Wien (OTS) - Every year, the Amadeus Austrian Music Awards presents an award for lifetime achievement in music. This year, Hubert von Goisern will be honoured for his multifaceted work as well as his engagement with and effect on the music world - and far beyond. The award will be presented during the show on 26 April at the Volkstheater in Vienna.
From folk music and rock to jazz and world music – Hubert von Goisern is difficult to categorise into a single genre. As an attempt to capture his style, the term "Alpine rock" was established. However, this hardly does justice to his music, as Hubert von Goisern has always thought and acted beyond boundaries – and not only in music.
"The variety in his work, the diverse influences from other cultures and the messages he conveys through his music make Hubert von Goisern a unique artist, who has had a lasting impact on the Austrian music industry," explains Dietmar Lienbacher, President of the Association of the Austrian Music Industry, on the awarding of the Lifetime Achievement Amadeus.
Breaking down borders
Hubert von Goisern has constantly moved between tradition and the modern, between folk music and world music. Through the critical examination of his environment, the constant challenge and development of creative, new works and stage performances, he made it from the Salzkammergut out into the world. On various travels - from Canada and the Philippines to Tibet - the multi-talented and dedicated musician gathered experiences and absorbed cultural influences and musical styles. He combined all of this in his own work and created his own style, which was completely new to Austria.
The beginning of his career was marked by one of his most famous and successful songs, Koa Hiatamadl, a rock interpretation of a folk song, which he released in 1992 with his then band the Alpinkatzen and which dominated the charts for weeks. In 2011 his song Brenna tuats guat broke all records and not just made it to number 1 in the Austrian charts, but also hit the German charts. In his lyrics he communicates a cosmopolitan approach and unity for everyone.
Excellent versatility
However, over the years Hubert von Goisern has not just received much recognition, but also numerous awards for his works. He has already been awarded six Amadeus Awards in various categories, including Pop/Rock, Jazz/Blues/World, as well as "Artist of the Year" award. In 2013 an honorary award was presented to him for music that unites genres and peoples.
Furthermore, the artist founded a culture award in 2018, with which he supports musicians each year, whose creative work has earned support. The financial support is intended to encourage the award winners to continue their work and live out their creativity, sharing it with the public and inspiring others. Just as he himself does to this day. This year, the artist is also a member of the committee for the Capital of Culture year in the Salzkammergut. He will be curating a number of programmes as well as performing spontaneous street music concerts.
Thank you
What an honour to receive the Amadeus for Lifetime Achievement. I was really happy to hear about the award.
Gradually, of course, thoughts bubbled up. The question: what does it all mean?
That's it now or something? Is it a plea finally give it rest? To step down? Kick back? Or at least tread more quietly?
The latter is inevitable for now after a knee injury I sustained while skiing in mid-March.
But by the summer it (the knee) should be going again. And then it's back to the roots: street music :))
In the Salzkammergut! In all 23(+1😜) municipalities of the Capital of Culture region.
Gratitude for everything that has happened thus far is flowing through me right now.
And I'm excited for whatever else life has in store.
Here's to all the future chances and ideas.
Hubert von Goisern at the Amadeus Awards
Doppelt hält besser: Bei den Freitagabend im Rahmen einer Gala im Wiener Volkstheater verliehenen 24. Amadeus Austrian Music Awards hat keinen großen Gewinner gegeben, dafür gleich drei Acts, die sich über je zwei Auszeichnungen freuen dürfen: die Rapper RAF Camora und Bibiza sowie die Rockband Wanda. Für sein Lebenswerk wurde Musiker Hubert von Goisern ausgezeichnet. Er nahm die Auszeichnung von Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen unter tosendem Applaus entgegen.
"Das Heimatverbundene hat Hubert von Goisern mit dem Fremden musikalisch verknüpft", würdigte van der Bellen den Künstler. Alle Konzerte, die er selbst miterlebt hat, "waren eine echte Bereicherung". Der Bundespräsident äußerte die Hoffnung, "dass der Ausdruck nicht ganz korrekt ist, sondern es ein Award für ein vorläufiges Lebenswerk ist". "Was für eine Ehre", betonte von Goisern, der sich auf den Abend sehr gefreut habe. "Ich möchte sagen, Musik, das Reich der Musik, der Ozean der Musik ist ein Land, wo es keine Visa braucht, die ist grenzenlos, da gibt es keine versperrten Flüchtlingsrouten, da können alle kommen. Da gibt es auch keine Vorschriften und Einschränkungen." Ein Dankeschön richtete der Künstler Wien aus: "Ich habe mich hier immer wohl gefühlt und tu es noch immer."
Zwei Preise waren bereits im Vorfeld bekannt: Die oberösterreichische Rockband Bipolar Feminin, die vor knapp einem Jahr ihr gefeiertes Debütalbum "Ein fragiles System" veröffentlicht hatte, holte sich den FM4-Award. Mit dem Lebenswerkpreis wurde eine heimische Legende geehrt, gehört Hubert von Goisern doch seit mehr als 30 Jahren zum fixen Bestandteil der österreichischen Musikszene und hat mit seinen zwischen Weltmusik, Rock und traditionellen Elementen changierenden Songs weit über die Grenzen des Landes hinaus seine Spuren hinterlassen.