Hubert von Goisern: CD presentation at 2100m above sea level!
A week before the release of his new CD, Trad II, Hubert von Goisern presented selected songs from his album in front of numerous friends and invited guests.
This exclusive event took place on the 2100m high Krippenstein in Upper Austria. After a cable car journey and a walk on the snowy peak, it was finally time. With mulled wine and native food, all guests were able to listen into the new album. After a lot of interviews and photo shoots, the real reason of the Krippenstein "ascent" came ever closer: the live gig!
After the comfortable evening meal in the closed hotel on Krippenstein, Hubert and his band formed to present some songs from his new album. The following 45 minutes were a performance of first class folk music with the incomparable yodelling from Hubert von Goisern. Everybody got a taster of his excellent album at an unbelievable event, 2100m above sea level!
Hubert von Goisern presents TRAD II
The cable of the Dachstein-Krippenstein cable car is lost in clouds of mist. Mountain pine trees cower under the weight of fresh snow. Up above on the Krippenstein, the sky opens. A yodel pushes out from the loudspeakers in the direction of the Dachstein plateau. On Monday 6.10.2003, Hubert von Goisern presented his collection of folk songs, Trad II.
Together with his musicians, Hubert von Goisern sang pieces like Schönberger, Krippensteiner or Åbend spat among others. The interpretations go a step further than the first Trad, with slide guitar, percussive charm and magnificent atmosphere.
"Folk songs are the musical ABC," says Hubert von Goisern.
TRAD II: Presentation on the Krippenstein
Photo: © Dachstein TourismusTRAD II: Presentation on the Krippenstein
Photo: © Dachstein TourismusTRAD II: Presentation on the Krippenstein
Photo: © Dachstein TourismusTRAD II: Presentation on the Krippenstein
Photo: © Dachstein TourismusTRAD II: Presentation on the Krippenstein
Photo: © Dachstein TourismusHubert von Goisern presented his new CD yesterday
Obertraun. Yesterday Hubert von Goisern presented his new CD Trad 2 on the 2,100m high Krippenstein. During the production, the artist transported the equipment up the mountain a total of three times.
Trad 2 has turned out more atmospheric, more intimate, more devoted than the first. These melodies, says Hubert von Goisern, are something like the prime substance of my musical output, my ABC in notes, one of the sources without which there would be no stream and he will also pass on this affection for the landscape and its folk music in his tour. He dedicates this to the unknown men and women who gave us these simple but masterful songs. The tour start is on 26th February 2004 in Bad Ischl.